The city of Bodrum is located on the southwest coast of Turkey's Bodrum peninsula. The city has become a popular luxury travel destination, with trendy five-star hotels by international brands. It compares to other European hotspots as it offers the same amenities as infinity pools, beach clubs, great food and superyachts drifting in turquoise waters.

Bodrum was chosen as one of the best places to visit in 2019 by Bloomberg and Conde Nast Traveler. Along with Bodrum's vibrant nightlife, the city hosts writers, musicians and artists, creating a vibrant cultural atmosphere.
Burada turistler için pek çok aktivite var - MÖ 4. yüzyılda inşa edilmiş Antik Dünyanın Yedi Harikasından biri olan Halikarnas Mozolesi gibi antik tarihi anıtları ziyaret etmek, ziyaret etmek için başka bir antik yer.