Plastic/Aesthetic surgery
This is a specialized branch of surgery to fix, repair or enhance parts of the body. Cosmetic surgeries have certain risks associated with them, which is why at evelinatour we only associate with highly experienced and internationally certified surgeons who have an in-depth knowledge of the procedures.
We have connected with the best plastic surgery clinics in Turkey that provide the following plastic surgery treatments:

Nose Aesthetics
Turkey has proven itself as one of the leading destinations for plastic surgery, especially for Rhinoplasty or Nose Aesthetics. Many people prefer a sharp and pointed nose as they believe it improves their appearance. If you like a pointed nose or need to correct any deformation in the nose, you can choose Rhinoplasty in Turkey.
In Rhinoplasty, the surgeon will adjust the size and position of your nostrils and bridge of the nose. He would reshape the tip of your nose by reducing the length and increasing the width of your nose while ensuring that all changes were discussed with you earlier and matched to your facial structure.
Respiratory problems occur due to a blockage in your nasal passage and our surgeons can correct it with a procedure called Septorhinoplasty.
Any amount of exercise or diet sometimes makes little difference to stubborn belly fat or fat in other parts of your body. Liposuction is a tried and tested procedure where the surgeon will remove unwanted fat from your abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, hips, neck, arms and chin.
The surgeon will shape your body by removing fat from certain points on your body and give you a toned, fit appearance.
Tumescent Liposuction, Laser Assisted Liposuction, Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction and Suction Assisted Liposuction are common liposuction procedures. Tumescent Liposuction is the most common procedure and Laser Assisted and Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction are less invasive procedures and are chosen to remove less fat deposits.
VASER Liposuction
VASER or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy by Resonance is a liposuction method in which sound energy is used. This procedure is non-invasive (no surgery or bleeding) and can reach fat deposits in the body that cannot be reached or reached by other methods. It is recommended both for Obesity Treatment and for those who want to have an even toned body or those who want to have a "6-pack" abdomen.
The VASER liposuction technique requires one day for the procedure and you can return to work after 3-7 days. Revision liposuction surgeries can be performed using VASER. Evelinatour is affiliated with the best cosmetic/plastic surgery clinics in Turkey offering VASER liposuction.
Face Lift
Aging and exposure to the harsh elements of the environment cause drastic changes in the face as the natural elasticity of the skin deteriorates, making your face and neck skin saggy and saggy. Known as a facelift or Rhytidectomy, the procedure removes loose skin and excess facial fat.
You get a toned, firm and firm skin, making you look younger. Your surgeon may recommend a mini facelift or traditional facelift, depending on the degree of loose skin that needs to be removed. In traditional facelift, the neck and face are completely renewed.

Arm Stretching
Arm Lift or Brachioplasty is a procedure where the surgeon removes excess skin and fat between your armpit and elbow. It gives a cola toned look. Sagging skin on the lower part of your upper arms due to weight loss or aging cannot be removed with exercise.
Arm Stretching will strengthen the body image and make your arms look fit and fit with the rest of your body.
Our plastic surgeons perform this surgery to reduce the size of enlarged or excessively large breasts caused by hormonal factors in men. Liposuction method is also used for growth caused by fat deposits. A number of small incisions are made, the fat is loosened and eventually expelled from the body. Your surgeon may recommend an excision technique to remove excess skin, reduce the areola, or reposition the nipple. Sometimes both excision and liposuction methods are used to correct male breasts.
Breast Augmentation surgery
Some women want to enlarge their breasts and define their shape. This is done by breast augmentation or breast augmentation surgery. The surgeon will place an implant under your breast tissue and increase the size in proportion to your body.
You can choose between two types of breast implants – saline implants made from a sterile saline solution and silicone implants made from a type of soft gel. Silicone implants are more popular as the implant has less chance of wrinkling and they also offer a better shape. They have a more natural appearance than saline implants.
Breast Reduction surgery
Women with large breasts, especially neck and
Tummy Tuck is the solution for sagging skin caused by excessive weight loss that is out of line with the rest of your body. Sagging skin is a cause of mental and physical discomfort, so this procedure will correct your protruding belly and make you feel confident and confident. Depending on your needs, our board-certified surgeon may recommend a partial or full tummy tuck. This procedure can be done with liposuction.
Breast Lift
This procedure is also called Mastopexy or breast lift and the purpose is to lift sagging or sagging breasts. The procedure is usually done with breast reduction or breast augmentation surgery. Physiological problems such as pregnancy or aging can cause breast sagging. The procedure restores your skin's elasticity by removing excess fat, sagging or loose skin and correcting the enlarged areola. Crescent, vertical, anchor and peri-areolar are some of the breast lift methods used.
Brazilian butt lift
It is a cosmetic procedure that involves fat transfer to create fullness in the back or buttocks. Using liposuction, the surgeon removes fat from your thighs, abdomen, and hips and places the fat on your hips with the help of an incision. The result is a natural-looking round, fuller butt. BHLC connects you to trusted cosmetic surgery clinics that regularly perform this procedure.
Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery
It is an aesthetic surgery performed to correct the defects in the eyelid due to aging or some other physiological reasons or to treat droopy eyelids. Puffy eyes and lubrication on the eyelids cause you to look unhealthy. Blepharoplasty is done on the upper or lower eyelid, or both, to improve your eye contour. After this procedure, you will feel happier, look healthy and get the look you want.
Surgeons perform this surgery to repair or build the vagina. Vaginal injury from childbirth, complications due to pelvic floor disease, etc. Various medical problems such as This procedure is also sought after by transgender people to achieve their preferred gender identity.

Tummy tuck
A flatter, tighter midsection creates a fit look and makes you feel lighter. Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is done to remove loose skin and excess fat on your abdomen. Your abdominal muscles are tense and you have the flat stomach you want.
Tummy Tuck is the solution for sagging skin caused by excessive weight loss that is out of line with the rest of your body. Sagging skin is a cause of mental and physical discomfort, so this procedure will correct your protruding belly and make you feel confident and confident. Depending on your needs, our board-certified surgeon may recommend a partial or full tummy tuck. This procedure can be done with liposuction.
Bichectomy is the process of removing excess fat from the cheeks. It has been made famous by celebrities who have gone through this procedure to improve their appearance. Sometimes, even after losing weight due to rigorous exercise and proper diet, you have oil residue on your cheeks. This gives a heavy look to your entire look.
Bichectomy is an aesthetic cosmetic procedure to remove Bichat's fat bag located in the two fat compartments of your cheek. These Bichat bags are not essential for the body and therefore can be safely removed.

Brow Lift or Forehead Lift
Thanks to this procedure, the surgeon rejuvenates the area above your eyes, giving you a lively and refreshed appearance. The process involves repositioning your forehead muscles, removing excess fatty tissue and loose skin.
This is done to correct heavy drooping eyebrows and furrows on your forehead. The final result is a youthful eye contour. Temporary brow lift, Classic brow lift and Endoscopic brow lift (less invasive procedure) are common brow lift surgery methods.
Hair Transplant FUE
Baldness and hair thinning at an early age due to genetics or disease can be quite disturbing. Some men also suffer from male pattern baldness and lose their hair. Cosmetic surgeons in Turkey transplant the hair follicles from the back of your head to the bald area, strand by strand, using the FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction method. The procedure is minimally invasive and produces the most natural-looking result.